Local Information

Resource Type

Lincoln County Department of Human Services (DHS)

Division of the Arkansas Department of Human Services for Lincoln County.


101 West Wiley Street
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number
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Lincoln County Health Department

Local healthcare.


214 S. Lincoln Ave.
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number
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Lincoln County Jail

Local Detention Center.


Lincoln County Detention Center
30298 Hwy 11 South
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number

Lincoln County Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

Lincoln County Emergency & Disaster Assistance


Office of Emergency Management
203 Liberty Street
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number

Lincoln County Recycling Center

Recycling Center for Lincoln County. The Recycling Center only accepts cardboard, newspaper, paper, tires, metal items and appliances, concrete and brick pieces, and 
electronics. The Recycling Center will not accept wire of any kind, yard waste, or building materials.


30298 State Highway 11 South
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number

Lincoln County Sheriff's Department

Local law enforcement agency.


Lincoln County Sheriff's Department
300 South Drew St. Room B103
Star City, AR 71667
United States

Phone Number
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Mainline Health Systems

Mainline Health Systems, a non-profit organization, provides affordable medical and dental care for the residents of Southeast Arkansas including Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Desha, Drew, and Lincoln Counties.


1012 E. Church St.
Warren, AR 71671
United States

Phone Number
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Mainline Health Systems-Dermott

Mainline Health Systems, a non-profit organization, provides affordable medical and dental care for the residents of Southeast Arkansas including Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Desha, Drew, and Lincoln Counties.


300 S. School St.
Dermott, AR 71638
United States

Phone Number
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Majestic Pediatric and Adolescent Urgent Care

Children's urgent care with onsite laboratory.


103 West Waterman Street
Dumas, AR 71639
United States

Phone Number
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Mayor's Office of Warren

The City of Warren's Mayor and City Council work together for the citizens of the community. As leaders, they are committed to protecting the City of Warren assets through the encouragement of residents and businesses to become integral participants in our community.


104 N. Myrtle St.
Warren, AR 71671
United States

Phone Number
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McGehee Ambulance Service

Ambulance service for McGehee area.


901 Holly Street
McGehee, AR 71654
United States

Phone Number
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McGehee Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce for McGehee.


901 Holly Street
McGehee, AR 71654
United States

Phone Number
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McGehee Community Food Pantry

Food pantry in McGehee open Tuesday & Thursdays from 1-3 pm.


112 North 1st Street
McGehee, AR 71639
United States

McGehee Fire Department

Fire department for McGehee, Arkansas.


901 Holly Street
McGehee, AR 71654
United States

Phone Number
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McGehee Hospital

Local hospital in McGehee with vast array of services.


900 South 3rd Street
McGehee, AR 71654
United States

Phone Number
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McGehee Housing Authority

Local housing assistance for the McGehee area.


300 Shady Lane
McGehee, AR 71654
United States

Phone Number