Memorial & Honor Donations

A book memorial is a very special way to pay tribute to a friend or loved one. You can also sponsor books to honor others who are important to you. For example, you might like to purchase a book to express appreciation for a favorite teacher, commemorate a child's birthday, or honor a couple on their anniversary. You may suggest a category (sports, gardening, art, etc.) that the book might represent. A gift plate with your name and the name of the person you are honoring will be placed in the book. The library will send an acknowledgment to the person being honored or to the family if the book is a memorial.

For more details on memorials and honor donations, please contact your local branch. Hours & Locations

Donor Information
Donor Name:
Donor Address:
Honoree Information:
Are you donating:
Honoree Name:
Acknowledgment Information
Please include this information so we can send an acknowledgement to the person being honored or to their family for a memorial.
Donation Information
How would you like the donation to be used?